Aerones Lightning Protection System
Robotics are TÜV Certified

Aerones lightning protection system measurement robotic method is accredited and certified in cooperation with TÜV NORD GROUP, and is in conjunction with BWE “Wiederkehrende Prüfung” of DiBt.
Our unique robotic system can be used for safety and insurance purposes saving costs and decreasing downtime of wind turbines.
To legitimize Aerones method by using robotic system for LPS measurements, to be used for insurance company requirements, together with TÜV Nord in Germany, Aerones underwent the LPS measurement method accreditation according to the standards.
The Aerones robotic system is able to perform the inspections and measurements of an LPS of a WTG according to the BWE – Technical guideline for testing of lightning protection systems on wind turbines /R 1/, IEC 61400-24 /R 2/ and IEC 62305 /R 3/.
Applied standards:
VDE 0413 Teil 4 (DIN EN 61557-4; IEC 61557-4)
VDE 0413 Teil 5 (DIN EN 61557-5; IEC 61557-5)
DiBt in conjunction with BWE “Wiederkehrende Prüfung”
IEC 61400-24 / IEC 62305
DIN VDE 0185 Teil 3 Prüfung des Blitzschutzsystems
IEC 61326-2-2