Aerones receives SET100 nomination award of excellence

Latvian robotics startup Aerones has received recognition award and is one of SET100 startups The Start Up Energy Transition Award (SET100). The Start Up Energy Transition Award is an international competition for start-ups and young companies worldwide who are working on ideas affecting global energy transition and climate change. Aerones, among 22 other companies, has been included in the category “Clean Energy Generation”.
“Recognition from SET100 is very important for our company – with every step developing our team and our solutions we are aiming to high goals. We are improving our internal procedures, educating our team members, and inventing new technologies. As a robotics and innovation company we see this expert award as another affirmation of our chosen path,” founder of Aerones Dainis Kruze explains.
The SET platform is powered by the German Energy Agency (dena), in cooperation with the World Energy Council (WEC). The Start Up Energy Transition Award is an international competition for start-ups and young companies worldwide working on impactful ideas affecting the global energy transition and climate change. In the last five years, the award has received more than 2300 applications from 102 countries.
Dr Angela Wilkinson (CEO of the World Energy Council) praised the quality of the applications “Despite a global pandemic we received an incredible number of applications –the quality of which continues to improve year after year.”
In 2021 The Start Up Energy Transition Award received applications from 543 start-ups from 89 countries. In terms of technical maturity, most start-ups have already reached a stable and deployable product stage (42), have a new product or service in development (17) or a minimum viable product (15). Regarding commercial maturity, 32 start-ups have a turnover of more than €250.000, 41 start-ups have first users, paid trials or customers and 21 start-ups have already surpassed €1.2M turnover annually, SET100 organizers have noted.
Aerones is the only Latvian company that has received SET100 nomination. There are three companies from Estonia, but no startups from Lithuania have been present on SET100 this year.
Aerones is Latvian company that produces a wide spectrum of robotic solutions for wind turbine maintenance. Company has been focusing on robotic solutions since 2007, received stellar reputation as builder of heavy duty drone company, and has focussed it’s efforts to deliver innovative solutions for WTG maintenance. Aerones is part of Sensum Group and UGN holding. Main shareholders are inventors Janis Putrams, Dainis Kruze and engineer Andris Dambis.