Webinar: How to protect WTG’s from Icing-related threats and risks


Ninetheme, Webinars

Webinar: How to protect WTG’s from Icing-related threats and risks

June 18, 2024

Tired of winter weather impacting your wind farm's productivity?Fill in the form below to watch…

Ninetheme, Webinars

Webinar: Can you afford to ignore leading edge erosion? Unveiling the next generation strategies for repair

May 9, 2024

Watch this free webinar and discover next-generation strategies for repairing leading edge erosion on your…


Webinar: Next generation WTG tower and blade cleaning

April 4, 2024

Watch our free Zoom webinar to learn about our latest developments in robotic tower and…


Webinar: A los rayos no les importan tus activos. ¿Y a ti?

February 26, 2024

Alrededor del 20% de las turbinas que hemos inspeccionado tienen problemas con los sistemas de…


🇫🇷 Webinar: Inspections internes : Augmentez la sécurité de vos pales

February 26, 2024

Après avoir inspecté des milliers d'éoliennes, nos données montrent que presque toutes les pales présentent…


🇩🇪 Webinar | Interne Blattinspektionen für Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit der Windkraftanlagen

February 13, 2024

Nach der Inspektion Tausender Windkraftanlagen zeigen unsere Daten, dass fast alle Rotorblätter Schäden und Anomalien…


Upcoming webinar | October 25

October 9, 2023

There's a saying: "don't judge the book by its cover". The same applies to wind…


Upcoming webinar | September 6

September 5, 2023

⚡ Lightning is one of the most underrated threats to your wind assets. It can…

Leading edge webinar

Upcoming webinar | August 2

July 19, 2023

Mark your calendars! On August 2, join our Zoom webinar to learn how #Aerones revolutionizes…

Ninetheme, Webinars

Webinar: Wind Turbine Cleaning Robotics

May 20, 2022

Join our free Zoom webinar on June 1st to uncover the amazing new technique for…