Aerones named Golden winner of the German-Baltic Business Award 



Aerones named Golden winner of the German-Baltic Business Award 

April 18, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Aerones has been selected as the Golden winner in…


Webinar: Next generation WTG tower and blade cleaning

April 4, 2024

Watch our free Zoom webinar to learn about our latest developments in robotic tower and…


Aerones launches the Autonomous drone inspection service for wind turbine blades

March 27, 2024

Aerones, a pioneer in robotic wind turbine inspection and maintenance services, advances its drone visual…


Webinar: A los rayos no les importan tus activos. ¿Y a ti?

February 26, 2024

Alrededor del 20% de las turbinas que hemos inspeccionado tienen problemas con los sistemas de…


🇫🇷 Webinar: Inspections internes : Augmentez la sécurité de vos pales

February 26, 2024

Après avoir inspecté des milliers d'éoliennes, nos données montrent que presque toutes les pales présentent…


🇩🇪 Webinar | Interne Blattinspektionen für Zuverlässigkeit und Langlebigkeit der Windkraftanlagen

February 13, 2024

Nach der Inspektion Tausender Windkraftanlagen zeigen unsere Daten, dass fast alle Rotorblätter Schäden und Anomalien…


Webinar | See what hurts your blades before it hurts your bussiness

November 1, 2023

After inspecting thousands of wind turbines, our data shows that almost all blades have damages…


Upcoming webinar | October 25

October 9, 2023

There's a saying: "don't judge the book by its cover". The same applies to wind…


Upcoming webinar | September 6

September 5, 2023

⚡ Lightning is one of the most underrated threats to your wind assets. It can…

Leading edge webinar

Upcoming webinar | August 2

July 19, 2023

Mark your calendars! On August 2, join our Zoom webinar to learn how #Aerones revolutionizes…